Fitting into the Asian mold is synonymous with the necessity of adapting services to what this ever-emerging market demands and within that, there is the rapidly changing legal landscape for private wealth. With Asia booming as one of the most preferred jurisdictions for private wealth generation – preserving, managing and transferring wealth while doing business here is all about seeing the bigger picture whilst foreseeing external and internal disputes in a tax optimal manner.
Be a part of this conjoint working session by AIJA International Private Clients and Family Law (IPCFL) Commission and Tax Law Commission (TLC) which will cover all vital topics under the ambit of ever-increasing demand and appetite for legal and tax advice in relation to wealth structuring, marital and estate planning, legacy and succession issues, dispute resolution and tax planning services for individuals/couples/families reaching the Asian shores from further afield. Distinguished speakers from across the globe will engage in a riveting discussion with dedicated focus on Asia.